Join us for

A unique and interactive career exploration experience in partnership with Vocational Rehabilitation.
Career Camp provides Pre-Employment Transition Services to young adults with disabilities between the ages of 14 and 21.
PASS Career Camp builds valuable skills through the disciplines of workplace readiness, work-based learning experiences, job exploration counseling, self-advocacy training, and postsecondary education counseling.
We provide a deeper understanding of the current labor market and build the foundations of a successful career path.
At PASS Career Camp, we know that young adults can do anything they set their mind to and are willing to work for. So dream BIG!
Career Camp Training Topics:
Workplace Readiness Training
PASS instructors collaborate with young adults to explore employability, social/interpersonal, and independent living skills to prepare for success after high school. Employers share what they are searching for in an employee.
Work-based Learning Experiences
PASS offers opportunities for informational interviews, job shadowing, and virtual industry tours to explore career paths and work conduct. PASS partners with businesses who are excited to mentor future young professionals and show what successful employment looks like on the job.
Job Exploration Counseling
What's your dream job? PASS instructors share labor market information to explore the level of training or education required to chase your dream. Career interests are explored, and participant's strengths and skills are matched to career opportunities. PASS Instructors work to lay the ground work for the ultimate goal: A fulfilling career!
Self-Advocacy Training
PASS offers instruction in self determination, disability disclosure, accommodation requests, understanding rights and responsibilities, and mindfulness to prepare young adults to thrive after high school.
Postsecondary Educational Counseling
PASS instructors, job coaches and benefits advisors, along with a guest presenter or two, counsel young adults on how to apply for postsecondary educational programs, transition programs, and file for financial aid and scholarship opportunities.
Where? How?
9am to 3pm
Break for lunch
Camp is held remotely online.
Please contact us If you do not have a device that supports an online class. We can help!